School Documents
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Cram Elementary has developed a written Title 1 parental involvement policy with input from Title 1 parents. The school site annually involves parents in the joint development in agreement of the policy, which is reviewed as part of the SPSA and through site advisory groups, School Site Council (SSC), and English Learning Advisory Committee (ELAC).
The policy has been distributed to parents. The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement requirements.
Cram holds an annual meeting at the beginning of the school year to inform parents about the schools participation in the Title 1 programs, and to explain the requirements and rights of parents to be involved. Parents are also encouraged to attend and participate in their students' educational experience.
The school offers a flexible number of meetings, such as, meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide (with Title 1 funds) transportation, childcare, or home visits, as such services related to parent involvement [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)]. A flexible number of meetings will be held at various times based on parent needs.
The school involves parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of the school Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School Safety Plan, and the development of the schoolwide program plan [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)] . An annual survey of parents is conducted to assess needs. Cram Elementary Parental Involvement Policy and the School-Parent Compact are reviewed annually by the SSC, ELAC, the School Leadership Team, and the Cram Staff. The progress of the Title I program is reviewed each time SSC meets.
The school provides parents of Title I students with: timely information about the Title I program [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)] through Aeries communications, Instagram, Back to School Night, SSC, ELAC, and PTA. This information included a description and explanation of the curriculum and use of the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the achievement of the challenging state academic standards [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)]. At parent-teacher conferences, SSC, PTA, and ELAC meetings, assessment information on student academic progress on grade level standards are shared with parents and families. Student progress in relation to state and local standards will be explained to parents, including the curriculum being used, grade-level expectations from proficiency, data reporting for state and local assessments, and available interventions in Math and ELA for students needing support. If requested by parent and school provides opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate as appropriate, in decisions relations to the education of their children, and will respond to any such suggestions as soon as practically possible [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)] through formal parents-teacher conferences, informal requests by parents for meetings, back to school night, SSC, ELAC, AAPAC, and PTA.
If the schoolwide program is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, parents may submit comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the local educational agency [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)]. Parents are provided time at each meeting to submit comments to SSC and can at that time share if they are not satisfied with the School Plan activity. Cram will submit all written documentation of parent comments that reflect the program is not satisfactory to the Local Educational Agency (LEA/Redlands Unified School District).
Information about Title I is given at our annual back to school night in August.
The school offers a flexible number of meetings, such as, meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide (with Title I funds) transportation, childcare, or home visits, as such services relate to parent involvement [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116 (c)(2)]. A flexible number of meetings will be held at various times based on parent need and parent input.
An annual survey of parents is conducted to assess needs as well as monthly Kevlin surveys. The Cram Elementary Parental Involvement Policy and the School-Parent Compact are reviewed annually by the SSC, ELAC, the School Leadership Team, and the Cram Staff. The progress of the Title I program is reviewed each time SSC meets.
The school provides parents of Title I students with: timely information about the Title I program through Aeries communication, Instagram, the Cram website, Back to School Night, SSC, ELAC, and PTA. This information includes a description and explanation of the curriculum and use of the school, the data extracted from assessments used to measure student progress, and the achievement of the challenging state academic standards.
At parent teacher conferences, SSC, PTA, AAAPAC and ELAC meetings, assessment information on student academic progress on grade level standards are shared with parents and families. Students' progress in relation to state and local standards will be explained to parents, including the curriculum being used, grade-level expectations from proficiency, data reporting for site and local assessments, and available interventions in Math and ELA for students needing support.
If requested by parent, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and will respond to any such suggestions as soon as practically possible through formal parent-teacher conferences, informal requests by parents for meetings, back to school night, evening and day events, SSC, ELAC, AAPAC, and PTA.
Cram holds an annual meeting at the beginning of the school year, to which all parents of participating students are invited and encouraged to attend. This meeting informs parents and family members of our school's participation in Title I program, and to explain the requirements and rights of parents to be involved. Information regarding Title I is given at our annual Back to School Night in August.
Cram provides flexible meeting times (morning, afternoon, evening, or virtually) and may provide (with Title 1 funds) transportation, childcare, or home visits, as such services relate to parents' involvement. This will give all stakeholders an opportunity to participate in school activities, meetings and conferences to better meet the needs of their students. It will also provide families with access to the school and the information that will better prepare them and their students. Our School involved parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of the school's Title 1 program, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school's parent and family engagement policy and the development of the schoolwide program plan. An annual survey and quarterly surveys are conducted by parents and students to assess the needs. Cram Elementary Parental Involvement Policy and the School-Parent Compact are reviewed annually by the SSC, ELAC, the School Leadership Team, and the Cram Staff. The progress of the Title 1 program is reviewed each time SSC meets. Cram works diligently to provide parents of Title 1 students with: timely information about the Title 1 program through Aeries communications, Instagram, Back to School Night, SSC, ELAC, Coffee with the Principal and Counselors, and PTA. This information includes a description and explanation of the curriculum and use of the school, assessments used to measure student progress, and the achievement of the challenging state academic standards. At parent-teacher conferences, SSC, PTA, Coffee Conversations, and ELAC meetings, assessment information on students' academic progress on grade level standards are shared with parents and families. Students' progress in relation to state and local standards will be explained to parents, including the curriculum being used, grade-level expectations from proficiency, data reporting for state and local assessments, and available interventions in Math and ELA for students needing support. If requested by parents, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and will respond to any such suggestions as soon as practically possible through formal parent-teacher conferences, informal requests by parents for meetings, back to school night, SSC, ELAC, and PTA.
Cram provides this at parent-teacher conferences, informal parent requests, SSC, ELAC, PTA, Coffee Conversations, and through teachers' ongoing parent communication, information on standards mastery, assessment data, intervention, and how to support parents in modeling their child's education. Cram continues to provide parents of Title 1 students with: timely information about the Title 1 program through Aeries communication, Twitter, Back to School Night, SSC, ELAC, and PTA. The information includes a description and explanation of the curriculum and use of the school, the assessments used to measure students progress, and the achievement of the challenging state academic standards. At these parent events assessment information on student academic progress on grade level standards are shared with parents and families. Student progress in relation to state and local standards will be explained to parents, including the curriculum being used, grade-level expectations from proficiency, data reporting for state and local assessments, and available interventions in Math and ELA for students needing support academically and social and emotional support. When requests are made, Mentone listens and responds to their community and provides opportunities for discussions and explains how support takes place in our school and the many support groups and systems we have on campus.
Cram provides parents and family members with training and materials to help them improve the achievement of their children.
At school meetings, Professional Learning Community, data meetings, grade level meetings, leadership meetings, and PBIS meetings, strategies to enhance parent involvement are discussed and integrated into our education program and/or SPSA.
Parent involvement strategies within the SPSA are integrated based upon parent input. The school offers a flexible number of meetings, such as, meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide (with Title 1 funds) transportation, childcare, or home visits, as such services relate to parent involvement [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116(c)(2)]. A flexible number of meetings will be held at various times based on parent need and will include childcare.
Cram provides parents with timely information about school and parent programs through Aeries communication, Instagram, Back to School night, SSC, ELAC, and PTA. This information is distributed in languages that parents and family members can understand. The school also utilized Language Line for translation services when appropriate.
Parent involvement strategies within the SPSA are integrated based upon parent input. The school offers a flexible number of meetings, such as, meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide (with Title 1 funds) transportation, childcare, or home visits, as such services relate to parent involvement [20 ESSA 6318 Section 116(c)(2)]. A flexible number of meetings will be held at various times based on parent need and will include childcare.
Cram provides parents of Title 1 students with: timely information about the Title 1 program through Aeries communication, Instagram, Back to School night, SSC, ELAC, and PTA. This information includes a description and explanation of the curriculum and use of the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the achievement of the challenging state academic standards. At parent-teacher conferences, SSC, PTA, and ELAC meetings assessment information on student academic progress on grade level standards are shared with parents and families. Student progress in relation to state and local standards will be explained to parents, including the curriculum being used, grade-level expectations from proficiency, data reporting for state and local assessments, and available interventions in Math and ELA for students needing support. If requested by parents, the school provides opportunities and regular meetings for parents to participate as appropriate decisions relating to their students' education and social and emotional concerns.